Happy dog wearing a bandana and sitting at picnic table waiting for food

Vitamins for Homemade Dog Food

As dog owners, we strive to provide the best nutrition for our furry companions. In recent years, homemade dog food has gained popularity due to its freshness and control over ingredients. We love ...
chocolate lab with sad expression lying on the grass

Natural Remedies for Dog Anxiety

Are you wondering how you can naturally help keep your canine companion calm and relaxed?  Dog anxiety, whether it's caused by separation, loud noises, car rides, or just general anxiousness, can b...
dog licking it's plate

What Foods Should Dogs and Cats Avoid?

Let’s be honest: cats and dogs love food and they can be quite the opportunists when it comes to getting their paws on something tasty. At the same time – not to point any fingers or anything – we ...
German Shepherd gnawing on dog bone

The Best Safe Bones for Dogs

Many dog owners believe that dogs and bones go together. While it seems like a natural pairing, the reality is that bones can actually pose a safety hazard for your dog's mouth. True, chewing is a ...
pug looking into the fridge with a funny expression

Have you Tried a Whole Foods Diet for Dogs?

Are you considering switching your dog's diet to a whole food diet? While this is an excellent decision for your dog's health (and our planet's health), it's important to make sure the transition i...
puppy and cat laying together in the grass.

What is the Environmental Impact of Pets?

As much as we love our beloved pets, we cannot deny our pet's environmental impact. From toys to pet food to single-use plastic waste bags, our pet's carbon footprint cannot be ignored. As responsi...
pup running with cotton dog toy in it's mouth.

Organic Toys For Dogs That Are Good for the Planet

Going green isn't just for humans. Producing an exceptional amount of waste and carbon emissions, your pet's carbon footprint matters too. As pet parents, we are responsible for making sustainable ...
mix of red and yellow frozen dog treats

5 DIY Frozen Treats for Dogs with Natural, Healthy Ingredients

As a pet parent, you probably love spoiling your dog with a tasty treat every now and again. Unfortunately, giving your dog treats can have big consequences for our planet. In the US alone, 300 mil...
puppy chewing on a rubber toy

Should Dogs Eat Nylabones? Learn About Safer Alternatives

It's no secret that dogs love chew toys. Getting a chew toy for your dog is a great way to keep them occupied, keep their teeth strong, provide mental stimulation, and help them cope with anxiety....